
A Brief Dive Into The History Of Chess

A Brief Dive Into The History Of Chess


Dear all, Today I would like to invite you on an exciting journey through the history of the most famous and beloved board game in the world! The common hobby that unites all of us here and has captured the hearts of so many genius players and t...

Welcome Back to my Blog! :)

Welcome Back to my Blog! :)


Hi friends, and welcome back to my blog! It's been about ten months since I last posted, so I'm very excited to be back writing for the chess community!  I thought about writing a long and elaborate blog post about all of the to...

Truths of the Dragon

Truths of the Dragon

GM Mikhail_Golubev

There was quite a surprise for me in the June 18th Late Titled Tuesday blitz. The current World No 5, Abdusattorov, played the Sicilian Dragon against me using the move, 15...h5, which I introduced myself long before he was born (and even before I...

How To Train Your Chess Effectively

How To Train Your Chess Effectively

GM Illingworth

Do you spend time each day trying to improve your chess, only to be frustrated by your lack of progress?If you're keen to get the chess results you deserve from the effort you're putting in, this post is for you. Be sure to watch this short traini...

Who Will Triumph? Part 3

Who Will Triumph? Part 3

NM EliteChess0967

Welcome to the "Who Will Triumph" series, where we will be looking at the clash between 2 "titans", @Elitechess0967 and @electrosaw. In other words, this is a "World Championship Match" between me and Tyson". Just like there's a Titled Tuesday, it...

A Century of Chess: Dresden 1926

A Century of Chess: Dresden 1926


A surprise for me in playing through the tournaments of the 1920s is how long some of the players I think of as stalwarts of the era took to arrive on the scene. Spielmann was a confirmed middle or bottom-of-the-packer until his breakout at S...

The Głø krüller gambit Part 1

The Głø krüller gambit Part 1


Today, we'll going to take a deep dive on how to play an offbeat chess opening with the most bizarre name possible. So, let's jump right in! What is the Głø Krüller gambit? The "Głø Krüller Gambit" is a spicy and brutal...

Hans Renette's Books On Lasker. A 'Quick' Look.

Hans Renette's Books On Lasker. A 'Quick' Look.


Afternoon everyone. Some good news - the Lasker project which I mentioned so long ago has finally been published. Some of my friends already have their copies, which is good to see. Carl Portman - who is doing amazing work for chess in prisons...

Recognizing Your Opponent's Intentions

Recognizing Your Opponent's Intentions

IM MatBobula

One of the most common problems in chess is understanding the purpose behind your opponent's moves. This is also a primary cause of making blunders. There is a famous quote from 'The Art of War': 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you nee...

Brilliant Finish to Chess960 Championship

Brilliant Finish to Chess960 Championship


We saw the blunders and we saw the Botez Gambits, but today the 8 GM finalists proved their chess genius in a series of thrilling matches. In the end, GM Vladimir Fedoseev clinched the title to become the first Community Chess960 Champio...

Blindfold Chess Training

Blindfold Chess Training

IM MatBobula

Blindfold chess is when players play a game of chess without looking at the board. They remember where all the pieces are and make their moves in their minds. It's a way to challenge memory and improve strategic thinking. I have a special bonu...

Starting Out The Trompowsky VS A Super GM

Starting Out The Trompowsky VS A Super GM

NM CoachJKane

Last year I published a course on my favorite opening, the Trompowsky, featuring a ton of my original analysis. Since then I've been playing it as my main weapon here on, with good results. I recently realized that I was scoring well wit...

Update On Server Bugs Affecting Recent Events

Update On Server Bugs Affecting Recent Events


Hey chess community. We wanted to share an update on two recent server bugs that impacted both the Bullet Chess Championship and the Clash of Claims. In the Clash of Claims, there were two separate issues: the first was an issue where GM Kramnik...

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